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October 2024

Hello friends and family!

Merriam-Webster defines the word ‘offseason’ as “a time of suspended or reduced activity.” Breaking news! Ironwood does not actually have an offseason! If you hear someone from camp use this term to describe September through May, feel free to laugh uproariously! And then pray for us.

Camp News

God provided a lot of new Ministry Crew members for this season. Out of 19 people in either Defined or Ministry Bound, only 6 were considered veterans at the beginning of this semester. After a week and a half of orientation, they were thrown right into a triple-retreat weekend. That was the beginning of a 22 day stretch with campers on property every day except Mondays and one Tuesday. I think they’ve all earned the title of veteran now!

With so many new people and so many of our returners in new job areas, the last month has been full of training. For some, it was a matter of stepping up into a new leadership role. For some, it was learning new procedures, activities, and responsibilities. For some, it was just figuring out how to navigate the property! All of this can be extremely overwhelming. But God works through overwhelming circumstances to show His power and build our faith.

Palkki News

With two job areas to manage, it was decided that Gabe needed an assistant in the not-summer season. This has been a huge blessing in a lot of ways! First, the Defined student who was chosen for the position already has experience fixing broken trucks. (As well as dirt-bikes, four-wheelers, sound equipment, watches, and anything else he can get his hands on.) This means that Gabe can spend less time teaching and more time knocking projects off the list. Second, Gabe’s assistant will eventually be able to run Camp Prep, which will relieve a lot of pressure on the only person currently trained to do that. (Hint: it’s Gabe.) Third, this particular student has worked for Gabe before, so Gabe has a head start on investing in him personally. We’re grateful for this ‘perfect storm’ that God orchestrated!

I spent a lot of time in the kitchen during orientation weeks because everyone else was busy getting oriented! Even after our new crew stepped in, I got to work alongside them and help them adjust to real life in a camp kitchen. Every one of them had to start from scratch with no experience in their positions, but they all jumped in with great attitudes! I also got to be part of my best friend’s wedding in August. Watching her smile at her husband while they said their vows was a highlight that I’ll never forget.

Last week, Gabe and I took our annual vacation to see my family in Alaska. It was a fantastic time of hiking, ice-skating, grouse hunting, cold water plunging in the lake, and fellowshipping with friends and family. How good God is to give us a time and place where our souls can be refreshed after the pressure of ministry!


What makes a dumb question? Someone in our weekly Ops Staff Meeting pointed out that a question will often appear dumb until it becomes obvious that three or four people have the same question. The logic implies if enough people agree, it must not be dumb. Anyone who has ever counseled a cabin full of teens is laughing right now.

When I’m asked a dumb question in the kitchen, my go-to reply is, “Have you tried to come up with an answer by yourself?” Nine times out of ten, the person stops, squints, and says, “Oh.” Then they go solve their own problem.

  Dumb questions happen because people don’t have their brains engaged in the life God gave them. They aren’t listening or drawing conclusions. They aren’t aware of their context.

The Apostle Peter has some strong words for these people. “Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:13)

As Christians, we can’t afford to let our minds drift passively through our days. Our ability to glorify God is at stake! So, let’s keep our minds active in discerning between truth and lies. Let’s be serious about spiritual matters. Let’s evaluate our lives based on grace.

I leave you with my mother’s summary of this principle, which is both apt and pithy:

“Be a thinker - not a stinker!”

Love in Christ,

Gabe and Cheyenne Palkki

PS: There are not a whole lot of new pictures in the Gallery because... I forgot. And also last month was crazy. But feel free to drop a comment and let me know what kind of pictures you'd like to see next month! Also, the Pray page has been updated with requests and praises. We have so much to be thankful for!


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